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Season 3 / Episode 5: Creating Great Culture in Co-Working Spaces

Creating Great Culture in Co-Working Spaces

Season 3 / Episode 5
Make it Thrive: The Company Culture Podcast

This week on Make it Thrive: The Company Culture podcast I talk to William Stokes, Co-Founder of Co-Space, a network of serviced office spaces across the UK.
In today’s conversation we discuss the importance of an office environment, and what larger organisations can learn from the innovative spaces that are created by co-working groups. Will shares his experience of why co-working spaces can help businesses gain global talent, and why more organisations need to consider the importance of their space.

In this episode we cover;

  • Why so many offices space are still rigid and formal
  • Where to look when you want to get fresh ideas for the spaces you’re creating
  • How important it is to create an atmosphere
  • Recommendations for start-ups creating a culture in a co-working space
  • How to create collaborative spaces


  • Co-working unlocks a global talent pool. You can have amazing teams in London, Manchester, New York.
  • Always look at the floor plan, how is the space going to flow, how are people going to interact?
  • We underestimate how much a building or space can make you feel.
  • If you’re not great at creating a space, bring in the experts.
  • The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less.
  • normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using ‘

Great Quotes from this Podcast;

Will Stokes, company culture quote from podcast

Our guest;

Will Stokes Co Founder of Co Space

Will is the Joint Founder & CEO of Co-Space as well as a property developer. In Will’s not-so-spare time you can find him in a good coffee shop or being funny on his Business over Beers Podcast.

Follow Will on Twitter / Visit the Co-Space Website 

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open plan office

Creating Great Culture in Co-Working Spaces

Season 3 / Episode 5
Make it Thrive: The Company Culture Podcast

This week on Make it Thrive: The Company Culture podcast I talk to William Stokes, Co-Founder of Co-Space, a network of serviced office spaces across the UK.
In today’s conversation we discuss the importance of an office environment, and what larger organisations can learn from the innovative spaces that are created by co-working groups. Will shares his experience of why co-working spaces can help businesses gain global talent, and why more organisations need to consider the importance of their space.

In this episode we cover;

  • Why so many offices space are still rigid and formal
  • Where to look when you want to get fresh ideas for the spaces you’re creating
  • How important it is to create an atmosphere
  • Recommendations for start-ups creating a culture in a co-working space
  • How to create collaborative spaces


  • Co-working unlocks a global talent pool. You can have amazing teams in London, Manchester, New York.
  • Always look at the floor plan, how is the space going to flow, how are people going to interact?
  • We underestimate how much a building or space can make you feel.
  • If you’re not great at creating a space, bring in the experts.
  • The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less.
  • normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using ‘

Great Quotes from this Podcast;

Will Stokes, company culture quote from podcast

Our guest;

Will Stokes Co Founder of Co Space

Will is the Joint Founder & CEO of Co-Space as well as a property developer. In Will’s not-so-spare time you can find him in a good coffee shop or being funny on his Business over Beers Podcast.

Follow Will on Twitter / Visit the Co-Space Website 

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reviews really help, and we read each one.

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